Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Almost next year....

Wow where does the time go? I have started a new job and now the year is almost over. Gaming is still my thing and that wont change a bit. Games and games and games......

The new job is good and things are going well.

Did I mention games?

Call of Duty 4 is awesome and I cant wait until I receive Mass Effect for Xmas.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Video Games for days............

So I previously posted a list of games that I have beaten and an update for that will soon follow but now here some games that I am currently playing.

Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion
Halo 3
Rainbow Six Vegas
Guitar Hero 2

Today I have now completed 6 songs on hard with 5 stars. My skills are improving.

Rainbow Six on the other hand I am playing on realistic and wow is that game crazy but sooooo hot.

Oblivion I am 70 hours in and that might be in my library for quites some time as I am not even half way done with all that I can do in that game.

Plus I have rental RPG's on the way.........More updates to follow!

Monday, October 22, 2007

History of Games Beaten....

Here is a list of all the games I have beaten in my lifetime. This will be a work in progress and should be updated frequently.

Well here we go.

1. Super Mario Bros
2. Super Mario Bros. 2
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Super Mario World
5. Mario 64
6. Super Mario Sunshine
7. The Lion King
8. Final Fantasy 2(US)
9. Final Fantasy 3(US)
10. Final Fantasy 7
11. Final Fantasy 8
12. Final Fantasy 9
13. Final Fantasy X
14. Final Fantasy 12
15. Final Fantasy Tactics
16. Super Metroid
17. Metroid Fusion
18. Metroid Zero Mission
19. Metroid Prime
20. Metroid Prime 2
21. Legend of Zelda
22. Zelda 2 Links Awakining
23. Legend of Zelda A link to the Past
24. Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
25. Legend of Zelda Master Quest
26. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
27. Legend of Zelda Four Swords
28. Donkey Kong
29. Donkey Kong Country
30. Super Mario Kart
31. Super Mario Kart 64
32. Super Mario Kart Double Dash
33. Luigis Mansion
34. Shining in the Darkness
35. Shining Force
36. Super Mario RPG
37. Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
38. Arc the Lad
39. Dark Cloud
40. Dark Cloud 2
41. Metal Gear Solid
42. Metal Gear Solid 2
43. Metal Gear Solid 3
44. Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes
45. Star Fox 64
46. Star Fox Adventures
47. Star Wars Rogue Squadron
48. Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2
49. Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3
50. GoldenEye
51. 007 Everything or Nothing
52. 007 Night Fire
53. StarCraft
54. StarCraft Brood War
55. Diablo
56. Star Wars Empire at War
57. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
58. Breath of Fire
59. Breath of Fire 2
60. Splinter Cell
61. Splinter Cell Double Agent
62. Bioshock
63. Crackdown
64. Halo
65. Halo 2
66. Halo 3
67. Gears of War
68. Need for Speed
69. Need for Speed 2
70. Gran Turismo
71. Gran Turismo 2
72. Gran Turismo 3
73. Gran Turismo 4
74. WWE Smackdown
75. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2007
76. WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2006
77. WWE Raw
78. WWE Raw 2
79. WWE Wrestlemania 18
80. WWE Wrestlemania 19
81. WWE Day of Reckoning
82. WWE Day of Reckoning 2
83. WWE Smackdown Shut Your Mouth
84. WWE Smackdown Here Comes the Pain
85. Mega Man
86. Mega Man 2
87. Mega Man 3
88. Mega Man 4
89. Mega Man 5
90. Mega Man 6
91. Mega Man 7
92. Mega Man 8
93. Chrono Trigger
94. Double Dragon
95. Double Dragon 2
96. Earthworm Jim
97. Fatal Fury
98. Golden Axe
99. F Zero
100. Street Fighter 2
101. Super Star Wars
102. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4
103. Ninja Gaiden
104. Ninja Gaiden(XBOX)
105. Sonic the Hedgehog
106. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
107. Alex Kidd
108. Mortal Kombat
109. Mortal Kombat 2
110. X-Men
111. Call of Duty 3
112. Saints Row
113. Perfect Dark Zero
114. Lost Planet
115. Marvel Ultimate Alliance
116. Resident Evil
117. Resident Evil 2
118. Resident Evil 3
119. Resident Evil Code Veronica
120. Resident Evil 4
121. Silent Hill
122. Silent Hill 2
123. Batman Vengeance
124. Dino Crisis
125. Grand Theft Auto 3
126. Max Payne
127. Max Payne 2
128. Lord of the Rings Battle for Middle Earth

Stay tuned as I dig in my brain to remember some more......updates coming soon!


So I am part of the Halo craze...well I am just part of the LIVE craze that is Xbox Live!

I have recently beat such titles as:

Splinter Cell Double Agent

WOW...What an experience Bioshock was! I mean it was truly a gaming experience and I highly recommend it to anyone who is into just playing great games.

Man I really hope to get my Wii for Christmas. I have a date with Zelda and that sexy bounty hunter Samus.

I will be waiting ladies!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Growing Pain

Wow I can not believe it is going to be 3 years already but it will be. Tyler is almost 3 and started his first day of class in nursery. I am very proud of him. On another note Karissa is still 6 and in first grade. My baby girl is already cheating as she wrote her last name on her hand so she can remember it...not that I blame since it has 10 letters and looks like a scrabble board.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Off Site

I am heading to Orlando for my team offsite/onsite meeting. I will be bringing my C# book with me on the plane. It has been awhile and it is time to step it up and get back into it.

Wish me luck in reading!


Tuesday, August 7, 2007


Wow after some family time in Florida I am now recharged and ready to go. Time to get back to work. Also time to start getting back into my C#. Yes I cant wait at the end of the this week I jump back into the programming world. But until then it is just good to be back home!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Blog that hasn't

I apologize to my blog first and foremost for not showing any love the past week. While I still have been coding and working on C# I am not updated any progress. The main reason for this is because I feel I have remained stuck and have more or less just been reviewing or touching or even refining what I already know. By no means does this mean I am not determined in my quest. So on that note let the coding.........oh wait my boy just had a kid............I guess he did his own coding!

So now I have to go visit the little one and then let the coding begin!

Saturday, July 7, 2007


Well it is a slow process much like I have thought it would be. But the learning has not stopped. The input just keeps coming everyday and the more I try the more I will understand. I am just writing code everday and making little projects. But everyweek I am expanding what I can do within my projects and hopefully I will be completely comfortable with what I am doing. Until then...................its coding time!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Project TimeTable

Hahahaha, like 2 weeks later and I have finally finished the TimeTable project, well with the help of my mentor. But more importantly I understand how it is working. As well as still performing little projects I am still heavily engulfed with my C# workshop. I am still reading through the chapters and answering the questions. Well I have some C# to learn so hopefully I will have something new to updater later today if then there is always tomorrow.

Here is the code for Project TimeTable:

namespace TimeTable
class TimeTable
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.Title = "TimeTable";
Console.Write("Enter Max: ");
int iMax = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

for (int i = 0; i < iMax; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < iMax; j++)
Console.Write("{0,5}", ((i + 1) * (j + 1)));


Sunday, July 1, 2007

C# Update

Well at the request of my friend and mentor I have signed up to GameDev, link to the right, to further my learning process. I will participate in an 8 week crash course on C#. The only way to imbed this into my brain is to eat and sleep in the C# language. Well wish me luck!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Project DaysAndNameOfMonth

This project is one of many codes in the book I am currently reading, Programming in the key of C# by Charles Petzold. It is a really good book which I picked for $20 bucks on amazon. Well my objective here was to simply copy the code from the book into VS. The main reason for this is just to understand what is actuallly going on here with arrays and understanding how they work. I think i have a real good understanding now but I will find out Monday when I have to ask 3 questions regarding this code. Well here now I will post my 3 questions and maybe I will get my answers before then.

1) Why was this done without defining how long the arrays would be?
Ex: string[] astrMonthName, but instead string[12] astrMonthName

I was supposed to have 3 questions but I could only come up with one.

Here is the code:

namespace DaysAndNameOfMonth
class DayAndNameOfMonth
static void Main(string[] args)
string[] astrMonthName = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
"June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
"November", "December" };
int[] aiDaysInMonth = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
Console.Write("Enter the month (1 for January... 12 for December): ");
int iMonth = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} days.", astrMonthName[iMonth - 1],
aiDaysInMonth[iMonth - 1]);

Friday, June 29, 2007


Wow I reallly want to learn C# and eventually other languages. I wont attempt another language until I am happy with my knowledge of C#. Baby steps, I have to remember it is all about baby steps. I know I will eventually get there. I want to have a full knowledge of C# by years end. Then next year I can move on to other languages. I just have to keep my head and keep trying. I wont quit. I will make this happen.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Project NumberLoop

Real Funny.....................My teacher has discovered that i am overengineering my progress. It seems that I have been making things seem more complicated than they are. To solve this problem I have been assigned smaller projects so I can better understand how everything works. I will then start to combine what I have learned into bigger projects. For this project I am keeping it real simple. I am just using a for loop to print out the #'s 1 - 10. I am using a for loop because I know exactly what values I want returned. Here is the simple code:

namespace NumberLoop
class NumberLoop
static void Main(string[] args)
int n = 11;
int i = 0;
for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
Console.WriteLine("The Numbers in the Loop are: " + i);

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

R.I.P. Chris Benoit

Rest in Peace Benoit family

Friday, June 22, 2007

Project FlipFlop

Today I completed the FlipFlop program. Similiar to the previous passcode program I ask for user input to perform an action. This time the action is to flip the two present numbers. The tries allowed are unlimited. One major difference between this program and the previous was the fact that project passcode used strictly strings and project flipflop uses strings and integers. Below is the code.

namespace FlipFlop
class FlipFlop
static string strSwap = "swap";
public static void Main(string[] args)
string strInput;
int iInput1 = 5;
int iInput2 = 10;
int tempInput = iInput1;
Console.WriteLine("The first number is: " + iInput1);
Console.WriteLine("The second number is: " + iInput2);
Console.Write("Type swap to swap the numbers: ");
strInput = Console.ReadLine();
if (strInput == strSwap)
iInput1 = iInput2;
iInput2 = tempInput;
Console.WriteLine("The first number is: " + iInput1);
Console.WriteLine("The second number is: " + iInput2);
Console.WriteLine("Swap Done");
Console.WriteLine("No Swap");
while (strInput != strSwap);
Console.WriteLine("You are the SwapMaster");

Project Passcode

Earlier this week i created a program that ask for a passcode in the form of user input. The idea was that you have a certain amount of tries to enter the passcode before the system locks you out. This was my first time using loops. Below is the code that i used.

namespace Passcode
class Passcode
static string strPasscode = "pinkmonkeybutt";
public static void Main(string[] args)
string strInput;
//counting variable//
int i = 0;
Console.Write("What is the passcode: ");
strInput = Console.ReadLine();
if (strInput == strPasscode)
Console.WriteLine("You have gained access");
Console.WriteLine("Access Denied");
Console.WriteLine("try #:"+i);
while ((strInput != strPasscode) &&amp;amp;amp; i < 3);
if (i == 3 && (strInput != strPasscode))
Console.WriteLine("You have been locked out bitches!");
Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the system.");

The Beginning

This is my first post of what I hope to be many. I am currently learning to program in C# and will show my progress. I hope to become a programmer specifically in game development. I have a very knowledgable friend who also is my teacher. With his help I hope to finally find my career track.

//The Beginning of my programming career//